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**Caution: Some translations may be missing the intended interpretations or meanings. Please, refer to the English website at all times for cross-referencing. We are also asking brethren worldwide who understand English very well to help us with the translations in their languages or send us corrections in any of the languages we have listed.
2021 E. Dublin Granville Rd
STE 276
Columbus, OH 43229
(By Wendy's & Katz Tires, on the service road)
Tel: 614-706-0124
Fax: 614-532-5077
Don't Forget to Join our Zoom Bible Study Group
Date: Every Tuesday
Start time: 07:00PM (Eastern Standard Time, United States)
Duration: 1 Hour
Crbc Dotlife is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Crbc Dotlife's Personal Meeting Room
Join Zoom Meeting by highlighting the link below and clicking on "Go to Https://
Meeting ID: 603 131 7005
Passcode: tnyvt2
Brethren, we would love to hear from you. Please, use this page to contact us for:
(a) Testimonies
(b) Prayer Requests
(c) Questions
(d) Suggestions
(e) Recommendations
(g) Issues and concerns
(h) Directions to our ministry
(i) Request a copy of any of our previous Sermons. Please, specify which topic.
(j) Reporting any false teachers/teachings you may have heard, so we can warn the world about them.

If God asks you to give one reason the gates of heaven should be opened to you, what would it be?
"We are for real. Really"

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